Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4 Days to Go: Gus' class is adorable!

Sweet Gus brought home a very heavy bookback from preschool today!  It was filled with notebooks and markers for us to take to the children in Ethiopia, as well as pictures that his friends have made for him to bring to Ruby's "friends" in the orphanage!  So cute!  They have been doing a countdown of their own in class, and it's finally starting to sink in for Gus.  I think he still isn't quite sure of the difference between a week and a day, but he knows we're leaving soon.  Thank you to the Stars for all of your wonderful art & warm wishes for children on the other side of the world!  And thanks so much to Mrs. Hanson & Mrs. Lacey for putting it together!

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful!!! I think I am going to steal that idea and ask if my son's classes would be willing to donate like that! So great that the class did it on their own... really special.
